Welcome. Hope you enjoy looking around. Today is December 31, 2010. Wanting a New start, New beginnings, and God's love to be greater in me.

"a course in Weight Loss" Weight Loss book for 2011

A Course in Weight Loss, by Marianne Williamson.  Okay Bloggin buddies, here we go.  December 31, 2011.  Open Forward is credited to Oprah Winfrey.  This i was NOT to happy about, years ago, my life stopped at 4:00 everyday to watch the Oprah show.  This woman has/had it going on, I'm telling ya.  I just thought this woman knew it all.  UNTIL.. this past election.  WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS WOMAN??? She totally lost control of who or what the name Oprah stood for.  Her name (to me) meant, change, above, class of it's own, open minded, peace, love, etc.  but this election just really gave me a bad taste in my mouth about her enough so that I've not watched her in two years I guess.  She was so gun hoooooooo about Obama, didn't even give McCain/Palin a chance to speak their minds.  Therefore instantly, my mind changed about her.  But just wait.. How low of me, God just reminded me as I was typing out that statement.  In my life, what actions do I do, what words to I speak, what love do I show, that people can change their minds about "ME" or even more so, about "God" the man that I claim to love more than myself.  WOW, and yikes!!  Luke 6:37 says, Judge not, and ye shall be judged, condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned : forgive , and ye shall be forgiven

Lord, help me to keep my eyes focused only on me and stay focused only on you.

So, back to the blog and the book.  I will be looking at the forward and posting some things that speak to me.  Hope you have a great night and a marvy New Year celebration!

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New Years resolutions and some.

ok, it's December 31st, I should be putting away my Christmas decor, but I am so reason procrastinating!  This blog thing, I just can't get off my mind, so I'm hoping and praying it's something the Lord is telling me to do. SO.. my new years resolution is blogging more.  If you know me, I've been a scrapbooking fool for sometime now, and just due to the overwhelming life style we have, I've put that aside and moved on.  NOT ANY MORE!!! This year is gonna turn around, money is tight, so it's about finding things to do at home, being happy with what we have, and saving up for things I long for. (like a new house) don't laugh at me! I have to start someone, so blah, blah, blah, I just have so many thoughts in my head I can't sort them all out.

Ok, New Years Resolution 1.) blog more  2.)  scrapbook  3.)  lose weight (more to come) 4.) be me.

So, number 1.  I am going to blog at least once a week, maybe learn how to make money off advertising from my blog.  I gotta get this thing ship shape to get the word out.. LOOK AT MY BLOG!!

number 2.  Scrapbook.  Jocelynn is now in the 9th grade, I am waaaaaaaaay far behind on the ball game here.  If she's gonna have a super duper graduation present, i gotta get crackin'.  Lynnsey is just an added bonus cuase i'll have her all caught up :)

number 3.  OK.. (PLAYS JAW'S MUSIC)  WEIGHT LOSS, ugg, ugg, ugg.  I bought this book in Sams to give as a Christmas present for a friend of mine.  Well, really it's taunted me since i wrapped it up and put it under the tree.  Taunting me like.. you are so tacky giving a "weight loss" book to a very dear friend of mine, "what is she gonna think".  Taunting me like.. "you need this book more than she does" "how selfish of yourself you can't even give a dang book to someone else, you gotta keep it ALL"  Taunting me like, "if you blog more, and there's a book out at SAM'S the super store of all things,  maybe it can help more than just you and my friend, maybe this is my calling. (UGG, ALL THESE VOICES IN MY HEAD PULLING ME AT LEAST 3 DIFFERENT WAYS, CAUSE THAT'S WHAT I JUST TOLD YOU)  anyways, let the blog begin.

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me and my girl hanging out at the mail. She is so funny! can't wait to tell you guys all about her.

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a room with a view

Sunset at Keowee Lake

Last week the girls and I enjoyed a wonderful week with our cousin Krystal in SC.  
We had an awesome time with her and Josie.

People think their families are the best, but I by far have an incredible family.  I'm several years older than Krystal and I don't get to see her much, but it was like we never skipped a beat in each others lives.  Krystal is a wonderful mommy, awesome wife, and a very sweet friend, but I get to call her my cousin!

As a kid, I loved going to my Uncle Toby and Aunt Sheila's house, cause Sheila was always so loving and kind (as all my Aunt and Uncle's are), but Sheila just has a different way about her.  I saw many traits in Krystal this past week that reminded me so much of her momma.

Krystal, stay true to yourself, believe in yourself, and Love God always.

Thanks again for a wonderful week with you! 

One day these eyes will see Jesus


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Feng shui

I've really been wanting to try feng shui for a long time and yesterday I found my "do it" thing. I was looking in the book section at goodwill and found.. how to feng shui your house.

I came home excited to begin reading this book. If you know me really well, you know how I hate, hate, hate to read, so you know I must really wanna do this.

So.. as of today, I am going to be working on how to feng shui my house!

I will begin posting pictures of before and after of each room I start on.

Now, some of you may be skeptical of this as some type of voodoo mojo, or that I'm not trusting god for all my issues and troubles. Not at all, I promise! I am simply trying to simplify my home, clear the clutter, improve finances, and make this a safe, happy place to live.

I'll keep blogging my progress, and please, let me know what you think.

(do you like my font? It's called font shui! Hehe, that's kinda funny to me.


Be a blessing, and be blessed!



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2 of the WILDE ones

This is Jocelynn, the oldest and fearless.
She is an over achiever, self motivator, pink loving,
cell phone talking, violin playing, track running
very loud VARSITY Cheer leader at NBHS.
Jocelynn enjoys history the most but if social skills could put her through college
i would be dept free from tuition!

And Lynnsey, my sweet baby.
She's a people pleaser, procrastinator, any thing blue goes,
gadget nerd wanna be hippy.
Lynnsey likes tractor pulling, talkin' on the phone, e-mail, photography
plays some soccer, and a cheerleader.

She's gonna be in 6th grade this fall. She hates to read, (like me)
loves to doodle and pretty good at math.

Just wanted to let you know who I'm doing this blogging for...
Jocelynn and Lynnsey.
Two of the most wonderful things ever given to me in my Life.
It's so exciting watching them turn from silly little girls
to beautiful silly little ladies.

I hope they never grow to old for my hugs,
stay true to themselves,
love each other,
and live a life for God and serving him.

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