Welcome. Hope you enjoy looking around. Today is December 31, 2010. Wanting a New start, New beginnings, and God's love to be greater in me.

2 of the WILDE ones

This is Jocelynn, the oldest and fearless.
She is an over achiever, self motivator, pink loving,
cell phone talking, violin playing, track running
very loud VARSITY Cheer leader at NBHS.
Jocelynn enjoys history the most but if social skills could put her through college
i would be dept free from tuition!

And Lynnsey, my sweet baby.
She's a people pleaser, procrastinator, any thing blue goes,
gadget nerd wanna be hippy.
Lynnsey likes tractor pulling, talkin' on the phone, e-mail, photography
plays some soccer, and a cheerleader.

She's gonna be in 6th grade this fall. She hates to read, (like me)
loves to doodle and pretty good at math.

Just wanted to let you know who I'm doing this blogging for...
Jocelynn and Lynnsey.
Two of the most wonderful things ever given to me in my Life.
It's so exciting watching them turn from silly little girls
to beautiful silly little ladies.

I hope they never grow to old for my hugs,
stay true to themselves,
love each other,
and live a life for God and serving him.

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